COO of our home

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Holiday Brunch

Yesterday was one of the most exciting days for all the women that attend Sagemont Church. Yes, ladies  I hope you didn't miss it.....the Holiday Brunch. It is a time to kick off the Holiday Season. A time to bring a lost friend or friends to hear God's Word and to see some beautiful tables. I believe this was my 3rd or 4th year to host a table. I must say I was very happy with the finished product. In the past I have done a Christmas theme, but this year I decided to a Fall/Thanksgiving theme. It was not as fancy as some of the other tables, but I was on a budget.

The plates, glasses and tea/coffee cups are my mothers. This beautiful setting was given to her as a wedding gift (1972) from her older sister Lily. They are truly a treasure. My Aunt Lily past a couple years after my mom received them. With that said, I felt honored using them for brunch. 

Everything on the table I already had except for the napkins ($5), 4 set of chargers ($4 Hobby Lobby half off), Gold Cross-(Gift for each lady $1ea= $8, Hobby Lobby half off), and my ticket ($20) So, I spent $37 to host a table for 7 ladies plus me. I think I did good.

Our speaker this year was Leighann McCoy, I soooo love her. I heard her earlier this year and was excited to hear she would be our guest speaker. She really is an awesome person. I would love to be her friend. She has been through a tough year, but I so believe God doesn't give you something thing that you cannot handle. Everything in your life is a gift from God, weather it is something good or bad in your life, you just need to use it to glorify Him.

Anywho, here's her blog, and her book.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Blessing Bags

As I told you yesterday, I had my monthly LNO with the girls from my Sunday School Class. We meet the first Thursday of every month. It's has been a blessing to every lady who attends. We are able to sit back and talk and to get to know each other on a deeper level.

Last night we made blessing bags for the homeless. We signed up to over the past 2 Sundays to bring items. Here's the list:

water bottle
bible or track
peanut butter sandwich crackers
tuna with pull tab
fruit snack
fork and spoon

We made an assembly line and packed all these items in a gallon size Ziploc Bag. I believe we made about 21 bags. We each took a bag with us and we are to leave it in our car and the next time we see a homeless person, we are able to give him/her the blessing bag. It was a great service project.  My goal is to always to have one bag in my car at all time to give away. I think everyone should have blessing bags on hand.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lets get this show on the road.....

So, I don't even know where to start. I've given you a taste of me. Now what???? I guess I can give you a little background. I am 30 years old and very involved in everything I am currently learning to say "No" to people. So, if you are someone I have said "No" to, please understand that I am trying to prioritize my life, this includes God first, husband second and kids third, church forth and everything else ie work, crafting and watching tv.

Anywho, back to learning to say "No." Here's a short list of all the "Hats" I am currently wearing, COO and CFO of my home, wife, getting Andrew ready for school next fall, Mayor of my Village in Shadow Creek Ranch-Oakwood Terrace, I help out in our Summer Session Blibe Study, I am the event coordinator of my Sunday School Class-Foundations' LNO, Play Dates and Baby Showers (which I LOVE), I am a Scentsy Independent Consultant (, I'm also a Personal Assistant to someone who is currently running for Congress TX District 14 ( And the most challenging/interesting/fun  "Hat" I am currently wear....a mom of a fourteen year old girl! eek.  Her hormones change in a split second. This might not be all of them, but these are the ones that are currently on my mind.

I hope this blogging thingy gets better. Anyways got to get ready for LNO!

Peace until next time,